Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Originally uploaded by sunpreet28
There are so many Budget restaurants and Hotels in Sri Ganganagar; they provide good food at low price. There is punjabi touch in eating habit of SGNR people. there are some very good places for snacks and refreshments like Basant Mango Bar, Raj Mango Bar, Nagpal Mango Bar, Raj Jeera and Lemon and lot of others. If u want to enjoy a cup of tea near a lake then u should go to TEEN PULI. And if u want to eat some chat like golgappa etc. must go to GOL BAZAR.

Guru HarKrishan Public School is a school with a difference. It has a message and it has an exalted aim. The message is given by our beloved Gurus which has been enshrined in the school motto : “Vidya Vichari Tan paropkari” Rendered in to English, It means that he is learned indeed who does good to others. The exalted aim is to produce ideal members of society, ideal students who have knowledge and skills, who possess character which others would like to emulate and who have balanced personalities steeped in spiritual value.
Guru Harkrishan Public School was established in 1986. It is heartening to note that is now well established in city and villages around Sri Ganganagar.
From a modest beginning, we have come a long way and is today recognised as one of the few private endeavours in education towards promoting excellence in the youth of India. It has been an engaging obsession with us here at our school to develop a committed set of children, brimming with a certain self-confidence, to recognise and realize the changing national fabric and to cope with this in the most effective manner. We aim to bring glory to the Alma Mater, the community, the state and the country at large, and to stand out as the best example of imparting an all round education.
We do not believe in compromising with standards and through a corps of highly dedicated and qualified lot of teachers, through the latest teaching techniques and equipment, through round the year competitions and programmes, we want our students to etch out a place for themselves in the society.
The School is moving towards new and wider horizons. We are already at the top in this part of Sri Ganganagar. Our Board results of Classes X and XII speak for themselves. It is our increasing endeavour to provide the best in school education as well as in sports. Annual Sports and Cultural Function are a regular feature of the school and provide a panoramic view of the achievements of the school in different co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
We propose to add to its excellence in all facets of school education year after year. There is no end to perfection. But on a modest estimate, we can confidently say that this school is sufficiently equipped with Laboratories, Library, Sports and Athletics Complex, Computer Lab with Internet, Music and A V rooms and Art and Craft rooms.
Our goals and priorities are well set and very clear in our minds. A team of dedicated persons both of the Management and the teaching staff is working day and night towards its goals and we have no doubt in our mind, given your goodwill, co-operation and blessings, we will be able to achieve our goals and make this school the best in the region.
At this moment I am reminded of a beautiful couplet from the poem “Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost :
“ The Woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.”
Our tasks and responsibilities are no less onerous. Our commitment to education is very firm and clear. We only pray to God Almighty that He may give us sufficient strength and will-power to complete our tasks and fulfil our promises.


Originally uploaded by sunpreet28
सामान्‍य जानकारी


श्रीगंगानगर प्रदेश के 32 जि‍लों में एक महत्‍वपूर्ण सीमान्‍त जि‍ला है । बीकानेर संभाग के चार जि‍लों में यह सुदूर उत्‍तरी जि‍ला है । थार रेगि‍स्‍तान के रेतीले धोरों से आच्‍छादि‍त राजस्‍थान प्रदेश के उत्‍तरी भू-भाग का जीवान्‍त जनपद श्रीगंगानगर अपने आप में अनूठा इति‍हास संजोये हुए हैं ।

जोधपुर के नि‍र्माता राव जोधा के पुत्र बीका ने 1488 में बीकानेर की स्‍थापना की थी । कहा जाता है कि‍ बीकानेर के इति‍हास में श्रीगंगानगर जि‍ले का इति‍हास छि‍पा है । राव बीका के उपरान्‍त राव लूणकरण ने बीकानेर राज्‍य पर राज्‍य कि‍या । लूणकरण के पुत्र जयसि‍हं ने बीकानेर राज्‍य की सीमाओं को बढाने के लि‍ये अनेक युद्ध कि‍ये । वीर और निर्भीक राजपूत शासकों के साहस पूर्ण प्रयत्‍नों से 15वीं शताब्‍दी में एक नये बीकानेर राज्‍य का नि‍र्माण कि‍या गया । वर्तमान में श्रीगंगानगर जि‍ले के नाम से ज्ञात यह भू-भाग भूतपूर्व बीकानेर रि‍यासत का भाग रहा है । भूतपूर्व बीकानेर रि‍यासत वृहद राजस्‍थान के संयुक्‍त राज्‍य का हि‍स्‍सा बना और 30 मार्च 1949 को मामूली समायोजन के साथ श्रीगंगानगर क्षेत्र को एक नये जि‍ल का रुप दि‍या गया ।


अक्षांश 28.4 से 30.6

देशान्‍तर 72.2 से 75.3

भौगेलि‍क क्षेत्रफल 1093352 हैक्‍टेयर वर्ग कि‍मी0

त्‍यौहार, उत्‍सव तथा मेले

दीपावली, होली तथा रक्षाबन्‍धन इत्‍यादि‍ त्‍यैहारों के अति‍रि‍क्‍त पंजाव राज्‍य से सटा होने के कारण लौहड़ी पर्व भी अति‍ उल्लास पूर्वक मनाया जाता है ।


जि‍ले में मौसम साधारणतया गर्मी में अत्‍यि‍धक गर्म तथा सर्दी में अत्‍यधि‍क ठण्‍डा रहता हैं । दि‍न का तापमान गर्मी में 40 से 45 डि‍ग्री तक तथा सर्दी में 10 से 12 डि‍ग्री रहता है ।


पुरुषवर्ग की पारम्‍परि‍क वेष-भूषा सफेद कुर्ता-धोती तथा स्‍त्री वर्ग की पारम्‍पि‍रक वेष-भूषा पीला पोमचा कुर्ता-घाघरा के साथ-साथ सलवाल कुर्ता तथा साड़ी का प्रचलन भी है ।


खानपान में मुख्‍यत: गेंहू का उपयोग अधि‍क कि‍या जाता है । सर्दि‍यों में अधि‍कांशत: मक्‍की की रोटी तथा सरसों के साग (सब्‍जी) को अत्‍यधि‍क चाव से खाया जाता है ।


जि‍लें में मुख्‍य भाषा राजस्‍थानी है । हि‍न्‍दी तथा पंजावी भाषा भी प्रचलन में है और दोनों भाषाओं में एक दूसरे के शब्‍दों का मि‍श्रण हो चुका है ।


जि‍लें का अधि‍कतर क्षेत्र नहरों द्वारा सि‍चितं है जो कि‍ गंगनहर परि‍योजना, भाखड़ा नहर परि‍योजना तथा इंदि‍रा गॉंधी नहर परि‍योजना के अन्‍तर्गत आता है । इसके अति‍रि‍क्‍त नहरी पानी में ट़यूबवेल का पानी साथ मि‍लाकर भी सि‍चाई की जाती है ।

मुख्‍य पैदावार

जि‍ले को राजस्‍थान में ग्रीन बेल्‍ट के नाम से जाना जाता है । यहॉं की मुख्‍य फसलें नि‍म्‍नलि‍खि‍त प्रकार से है -

खरीफ में नरमा कपास, गन्‍ना तथा ग्‍वार

रबी में गेंहू, सरसों, जौ तथा चना

इन सब के अति‍रि‍क्‍त जि‍लें के कि‍न्‍नू (एक प्रकार का नींबू प्रजातीय फल है जि‍समें वि‍टामीन सी प्रचुर मात्रा में पाया जाता हैं ) की भी वि‍देशों में अत्‍यधि‍क मांग होने के कारण लगभग सारी फसल निर्यात हो जाती है ।


यह जि‍ला सभी जगहों से रेल तथा सड़क मार्ग द्वारा जुड़ा हुआ है । राष्‍ट्रीय राजमार्ग 15 भी इस जि‍ले से होकर है जो कि‍ गुजरात के कांडला बन्‍दरगाह से पंजाव के पठानकोट तक जाता है । जम्‍मू तवी एक्‍सप्रेस इस जि‍ले की तहसील सूरतगढ से होकर गुजरती है जो कि‍ कश्‍मीर से कन्‍याकुमारी तक चलती है ।

Vinoba Basti, Sri Ganga Nagar, Rajasthan, India

Originally uploaded by sunpreet28
Ganganagar, also called Sri Ganganagar, (in Hindi: गंगानगर or श्री गंगानगर ) is a city in Rajasthan state of western India. It is the administrative headquarters of Ganganagar District.

Contents [hide]
1 History
2 Settlement
3 Economy
4 Climate
5 Agriculture
6 Geography
7 Demographics
8 Educational Institutes
9 Attractions
10 References

[edit] History
It is named after the Maharaja of Bikaner Maharaja Ganga Singh who established it. It is said that the Maharaja wanted a city based on the design of Paris to be established and hence the map of the Old Ganganagar city will give you a glimpse of the map of Paris.

[edit] Settlement
The town is divided into small blocks. The town is well maintained and offers many Parks and Grounds for rejuvenation and Enjoyment. They also provide space for playing Cricket, Football, Badminton etc. Main Parks Include Nehru Park, Indravatika Park. In the town, one will find one or two Parks for every BLOCK. Most of the people are simple and one can find elder males wearing Kurta - Pyjama (Traditional Dress) and the elder females wearing Sari while the youngsters are cool and can be seen sporting Jeans and T-Shirt. Since the last two-three years, there has been a rapid increase in the population of the town, mainly due to migration of people from neighbouring small towns and villages. This has led to the expansion of the town and has led to the formation of many showrooms of international brands of shoes and clothing such as Reebok, Nike, Adidas, Monte Carlo, John Players, Peter England, Cotton County, Sony etc.

[edit] Economy
It's a testimony to land transformation: Desert land was converted to a lush green town credited to the efforts of the Maharaja who brought the Gang canal which carries the excess waters of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to the region, making Ganganagar known as "the food basket of Rajasthan" "Suicide woes fill the 'food basket'", "The Times of India", 27 July 2003, .

[edit] Climate
The climate of Sri Ganganagar is of extreme type. This means that this region is very hot in summer where the temperatures almost reach 50 degree Celsius. This region is the hottest in India. The temperature in winter are also quite low. The temperatures almost dip below 0 degree Celsius. "Temperature Regimes", "Water Resource Department - Government Of Rajasthan", .

[edit] Agriculture
Main crops of this area are cotton,wheat and mustard. One thing this area is very famous for is Kinnu(a variant of orange). For the past 10-15 years, farmers of this region are facing tough times. Their main cash crop, cotton has almost collapsed. Although still you can see the long queues of tractor-trollies in the city in winter, but the overall production of food grains has dropped considerably. The decline in the crops is mainly due to a very small insect, "Heliothis"(in local language - sundy)"The Helix", "CSIRO", . This worm has affected the cotton crops very badly. There are other factors as well like the rates of crops. Rates of cotton are still the same where they were in 1992-1993. Although the other crop wheat has got a hike in rates and has helped people recover to some extent, but still, the overall sale result is not as desired by the farmers . Another problem which affects the farmers of this region is the continuous water tussle with Punjab(the neighbouring state). [what?]"Sri Ganganagar Travel Guide", "World 66", .village like 33gg near chunawadh and kurasia are highly productive lands.

[edit] Geography
Ganganagar is located at 29.92° N 73.88° E[1]. It has an average elevation of 164 metres (538 feet).

[edit] Demographics
As per 2001census[2]by the GOVT of India , Ganganagar had a population of 210,788. Males constitute 55% of the population and females 45%. Ganganagar has an average literacy rate of 71%, higher than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 76%, and female literacy is 64%. In Ganganagar, 13% of the population is under 6 years of age. Majority in population are Sikhs and Hindus while only a few people constituting other sects stay here. The main languages spoken in the town are Bagri, Marwadi, Punjabi and Hindi.

[edit] Educational Institutes
The city has been a center of learning since its early ages. Many notable education institutes include:


Guru Harkrishan Public School
Bhopal Wala Arya Higher Sen. Sec. School
B.S.F Senior Secondary School
Good Shepherd Public School
Bihani Children's Academy
Nosegay Public School
Sacred Heart Convent School
Tiny Tots Public School
Saraswati Public School
Seth G. L. bihani S.D. Sen. Sec. School
Arorvansh Public School

Sri Guru Nanak Khalsa College
Seth G.L.Bihani S.D.(P.G.) College
Sri Guru Nanak Khalsa Law College
Govt. Law College
Maharshi Dayanand (PG) College
CH. Ballu Ram Godara Girls College

[edit] Attractions
This town is famous for its many farms and fields. Main attractions include Gol Bazaar, Birbal chowk, Sukharia Circle, and the Hindumal Kot Border(Indo-Pak). There are many big and famous temples and Gurdwara's here like The Durga mandir, Hanuman temple, Balajee dham. A very well known and visited Gurudwara Shri Budha Johad (See: Massa Ranghar history)is located about 50 KM from Ganganagar. There are many hotels in the town. You will notice that all of them are located near the Railway Station because a tired traveller finds it easy if the Hotel is near the Station.

My Home, My Birth Place in Sri Ganganagar

Originally uploaded by sunpreet28
A Place in the deserts of Rajasthan where I was born “20 +” years ago in the humid afternoon. A son with the name of sun was born for another addition to the family of 4. I lived there for 20 years of my life and there’s a lot that happened from my childhood to my adulthood. I went through so many changes. I went to seventh day Adventist school like my bro and sis and could not cope with the heavy duty studies in grade 2 and had to fail the class. It was too much for me I didn’t have time for that amount of studying hours as I was busy having masti. I was busy with my toys and playing at home with friends. I was very wayward boy. Always had to bug my mom, and for going that I used to get lots of whipping from her. Days have passed and I was taking tuition from one of a “CHING FUNGLI” teacher. He used to use that work just to make us laugh, so here is his name “CHING FUNGLI”. I have no clue what does it mean but at that point in time we all used to say it to each other. So he pulled me out of the SDA School and put me in Central Academy starting from grade 2. He was a teacher there, and managed to get me into the next grade. I used to play cricket in my front yard. There were several neighborhood friends. Some of them are married and I guess I am the last one to get married.
I grew up and graduated from grade 8th from Central Academy School and went to Tiny Tots with my other school friends. Some of them are now doctor and engineers and IT professionals in different parts of India. I still converse with them on Orkut. At that age we all were happy till we got into 10 grade and I was still too mast to study. Always flying kites and playing with friends and looking at some seasonal neighbors. At that time wrestling was very famous so I used to play wrestling with my neighborhood friends, and other kids. It was 10th grade at my school, and we were the first batch of the school. It looked liked someone is experimenting on us. Teachers had no idea what they were teaching and we knew that we won’t do good in exams for sure. We tried other teachers to give us tuitions, but they said no. everyone wants bright students, we were bright but only in color not in studies.
Didn’t do well man, it was winter morning all fogy and we used to go out for tuitions on bi-cycle. Those days were hard and too much stress. I still don’t get It why the life is so different in India than Canada. Here we have no board exam for 10 and 12. No tension, students just enjoy their school life. We used to go for match tuitions to Mr. Rampal’s house. And of course there was this famous Bobby bhaiya i.e. son of the principle, and he used to run the school. No one ever got a chance to know how much educated he is but he always tried to speak English.
Life changes and than you start to forget the old time. I had so much to share and so much to write that it will take me days to finish each and everything that is in my mind. I will try and recall the highlights and will jolt them down.